How to Soften Leather Drop Pockets on a Pool Table
10/2/2015 11:18:49 AM
How to Soften Leather Drop Pockets on a Pool Table
I have an older pool table which has leather drop pockets, and they have become very dry.
What can I use to soften the leather on the pool table pockets?
How to Soften Leather Drop Pockets on a Pool Table
Replies & Comments
mmaassen on 1/6/2021 10:01:24 AM
What product can be used to soften the leather drop pockets on a pool table?
billiardsforum on 1/9/2021 11:20:12 AM
There are a number of different types of leather, and the best leather conditioner to use would depend on what type you have.
Most leather sprays on the market are garbage, and are usually "filled out" with water.
Look for leather conditioners with lanolin or beeswax.
Here's a guide from olpr, a reputable hand-made leather goods company:
This is meant to simply point you in a direction for research. Ensure you know about exactly what type of leather your pockets are made from. Try these methods at your own risk.
How to Soften Leather Drop Pockets on a Pool Table
- Title: How to Soften Leather Drop Pockets on a Pool Table
- Author: sofia
- Published: 10/2/2015 11:18:49 AM
- Last Updated: 8/30/2016 9:48:14 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)