How To Retrofit A Junk Pool Table On A Budget
4/29/2009 11:19:00 AM
How To Retrofit A Junk Pool Table On A Budget
I was recently given an old pool table, it is of lower quality, not slate or hardwood, the bed is made of pressboard of some sort. It has old plastic pockets. Anyhow I really enjoy playing pool, and don't have the cash to pony up for a decent table, so in the interest of having at least something to play on I was thinking of replacing the bed, felt and rubber, now I realize there are many if not all who say don't waste your money its not worth it, I KNOW. I've called several parts dealers and this seems to be the only advice they can offer up, suffice to say I won't be purchasing anything there. The old rubber on the table measures in at 3/4 x 3/4 x 1/2", 1/2" is the side glued to the rail. Can anyone tell me where to find these cushions or if there is a replacement, I have no information on this table whatsoever. And I don't need another long winded explanation as to how to re-rubber a rail. I was thinking of replacing the old wood bed with some mdf board. Which is ohh about $35.00. Im just tryin to fix the table as best as I can and as cheap as I can.
How To Retrofit A Junk Pool Table On A Budget
Replies & Comments
Mitch Alsup on 4/29/2009 12:08:42 PM
- 3 pieces of slate will run you $750 before it gets delivered.
- A new, low end, but eminently playable table will run $1500 before delivery.
My Opinion:
- The labor cost for a mechanic to install the new slat on an old table will not be "inexpensive". And you need new rails and felt anyways.
- At this point you are within spitting distance of a new table, professionally installed, or a used "e-bay/Craig's list" table professionally installed with new felt.
How To Retrofit A Junk Pool Table On A Budget
- Title: How To Retrofit A Junk Pool Table On A Budget
- Author: CrackHour
- Published: 4/29/2009 11:19:00 AM