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How to Adjust Legs or Level This Ontario Billiards Supply (OBS) Pool Table

How to Adjust Legs or Level This Ontario Billiards Supply (OBS) Pool Table

Hello, I bought a house and received this pool table with it. I was trying to level it as it is slanted slightly because the floor is not 100% level. I thought I'd be able to adjust the legs, by turning them by hand while someone else lifted the corner of the table, but it does not seem to work. Do I need to put something under the legs to level it? I have included photos.

I appreciate your help.







How to Adjust Legs or Level This Ontario Billiards Supply (OBS) Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. mic911billiardsforum on 7/24/2017 6:28:31 PM

    Yeah those are fixed feet I believe. Your options are to unscrew the metal and shim to desired height, or just leave it and shim directly between the leg and the floor.

    (Unless the metal feet are threaded to the plate that screws into the wood, in which case that would be the way to level it, but I can't tell from the photos. Looks welded possibly.

    Is there any threaded portion under the base of the feet where it meets the floor?

  2. mic911mic911 on 7/26/2017 9:07:25 PM

    Hi, thanks for the reply. The feet seem to turn freely but turning them doesn't seem to raise or lower the table. I think I will try to shim it at the floor. I tried googling the make of the table but couldn't find any info.

    Thanks again, Paul

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How to Adjust Legs or Level This Ontario Billiards Supply (OBS) Pool Table

  • Title: How to Adjust Legs or Level This Ontario Billiards Supply (OBS) Pool Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 7/24/2017 4:17:25 PM
  • Last Updated: 7/24/2017 6:18:59 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)