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How High are Pool Table Bumpers Supposed to Be?

How High are Pool Table Bumpers Supposed to Be?

I re-assembling my pool table and noticed that when I roll a ball against the side bumpers the ball hops off the bumper. If I roll it against another bumper it just goes off it, no bounce. So how high should they be off the table?

How High are Pool Table Bumpers Supposed to Be?

Replies & Comments

  1. patchdenver on 4/14/2008 9:46:49 PM

    Hey Patch, is this what you are looking for?

    official wpa billiard table specs

    It says something like: The cushion's height should be 63.5% (+1 %) or between 62.5 and 64.5 % of the diameter of the ball when measured from nose-line to the table-bed.

  2. patchbilliardsforum on 4/14/2008 9:49:47 PM

    Yeah, it sounds like you've got them too low, and the cushions are bucking the balls upward. The edge of the cushion needs to contact the ball slightly above the widest point (which is 50% of the height of the ball) so the 63% makes sense in the post above. If the cushions contact the ball slightly above the half-way point, they'll have a downward forcing effect, thus, keeping the balls on the table.

  3. patchguest on 6/10/2008 5:23:51 PM

    rail height should be 1 7/16"

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How High are Pool Table Bumpers Supposed to Be?

  • Title: How High are Pool Table Bumpers Supposed to Be?
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/14/2008 9:35:45 PM