How Do You Tell How Many Slates a Pool Table Has?
1/30/2020 4:59:59 AM
How Do You Tell How Many Slates a Pool Table Has?
Are all Fischer pool tables made with a one-piece slate bed?
How do you tell how many slates a pool table has?
How Do You Tell How Many Slates a Pool Table Has?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/30/2020 1:15:02 PM
Fischer pool tables can have one-piece slate, two-piece slate, or three-piece slate.
It isn't always obvious what kind of slate a pool table has but there are a few ways to check on it:
- Look underneath - Some pool tables have an open bottom underneath and you can sometimes see the detail well enough to determine distinct pieces of slate.
- Know the exact model of your pool table - If you know the exact model of pool table you have, we can usually look up the technical details from the manufacturer or in old brochures and manuals.
- Check when you replace the cloth - It will be obvious when you remove your old pool table cloth as to how many pieces the slate is.
With Fischer pool tables, if we can identify the model you have, I can probably give you the information about the slate used in it's production.
How Do You Tell How Many Slates a Pool Table Has?
- Title: How Do You Tell How Many Slates a Pool Table Has?
- Author: user1580389198
- Published: 1/30/2020 4:59:59 AM
- Last Updated: 1/30/2020 1:10:08 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)