Fischer Pool Table Cushion Profile and Restoration
10/9/2018 12:44:50 PM
Fischer Pool Table Cushion Profile and Restoration
I am restoring a Fischer pool table and have a few questions:
- I want to replace the rubber. I’ve been told i need to know what kind of rails I have in order to know what rubber to buy.
- I also want to make the pockets from the bucket 5.5” corner and 6” side, to 4” corners and 5” sides.
Thanks for any info.
Fischer Pool Table Cushion Profile and Restoration
Fischer Pool Table Cushion Profile and Restoration
- Title: Fischer Pool Table Cushion Profile and Restoration
- Author: Bobby Kinsey
- Published: 10/9/2018 12:44:50 PM
- Last Updated: 10/9/2018 8:23:48 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)