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Fischer Pool Table Cushion and Rail Assembly

Fischer Pool Table Cushion and Rail Assembly

I have a Fisher pool table with dead rails.

I put a laser next to the bumper and I think it’s assembled wrong.

Is the score counter supposed to be down the end I break at?

Fischer Pool Table Cushion and Rail Assembly

Replies & Comments

  1. user1609479748billiardsforum on 1/5/2021 1:33:14 AM

    It would really be best to share some clear photos of the problem you are talking about. It's not clear which Fischer pool table model you have so it's tough to help you.

    I've seen some Fischer pool tables with score counters at the end where the balls return to. Typically that's the end where one would rack the balls (e.g. convenience). I've seen photos of the same model with the score counters at the other end. I'm not sure it really matters.

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Fischer Pool Table Cushion and Rail Assembly

  • Title: Fischer Pool Table Cushion and Rail Assembly
  • Author: (Richie Scully)
  • Published: 12/31/2020 9:42:29 PM
  • Last Updated: 1/5/2021 1:25:49 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)