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Easiest Way to Replace a Pool Table Leg?

Easiest Way to Replace a Pool Table Leg?

Two of my pool table legs have cracked (don's ask).

I already have purchased the 2 identical poo pool table replacement legs and have them on hand. All that is left is to physically change them out.

What is the easiest way to swap out the broken pool table legs for the new ones? Can you replace a pool table leg without tearing down the whole pool table?

To give you an idea, the pool table at my house that looks much like this one:

Easiest Way to Replace a Pool Table Leg?

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Easiest Way to Replace a Pool Table Leg?

  • Title: Easiest Way to Replace a Pool Table Leg?
  • Author: (Kevin Jensen)
  • Published: 5/20/2011 5:08:20 PM