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Cushions for a 7-Foot Hauserman Pool Table

Cushions for a 7-Foot Hauserman Pool Table

I have a 7-foot Hauserman "Recreation Division" pool table. I picked it up for free. I have attached photos of pool table below.

It also has a one piece slate and has metal corner pocket guards.

I have been looking around and cannot seem to find a cloth and cushion kit for this model as the pockets are narrow.

I fear that buying a universal kit online will lead to spending a bunch of time modifying the cushions. I'm a handy guy but I would just like a direct glue-in fit kit.

I had never heard of this brand. It is a heavy solid wood bastard for sure. A friend and I moved it without taking it apart from a second story home on a day with 90 degree heat.

I re-shimmed and leveled the slate when I got it set up at home.

It is a great pool table but like I said the bumper size doesn't seem to match up with ones I find online.

Any help would be great.



Cushions for a 7-Foot Hauserman Pool Table

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Cushions for a 7-Foot Hauserman Pool Table

  • Title: Cushions for a 7-Foot Hauserman Pool Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 11/5/2020 1:28:33 AM
  • Last Updated: 11/7/2020 4:33:07 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)