Cushion Profile for a National Shuffleboard and Billiards Co. Pool Table
3/17/2023 4:12:34 PM
Cushion Profile for a National Shuffleboard and Billiards Co. Pool Table
Does anyone know the cushion profile for a National Shuffleboard and Billiards Co. pool table?
I have a 3-piece slate pool table by National Shuffleboard & Billiard Co. and I am trying to find out which rubber cushions it takes. Mine are in need of replacement.
Cushion Profile for a National Shuffleboard and Billiards Co. Pool Table
Replies & Comments
user1506350956 on 4/7/2023 8:32:09 PM
The owner of National Shuffleboard & Billiard Co. passed away years ago.
You might want to reach out to a pool table dealer that has been in business since the 1960s or 1970s.
billiardsforum on 5/3/2023 7:20:19 AM
If you don't know the exact profile and the pool table has the correct cushions on it now, you can figure out the profile when you remove them.
Post measurements of each edge of the profile, and a photo of the profile, and we'll go from there.
Cushion Profile for a National Shuffleboard and Billiards Co. Pool Table
- Title: Cushion Profile for a National Shuffleboard and Billiards Co. Pool Table
- Author: user1679083953
- Published: 3/17/2023 4:12:34 PM
- Last Updated: 3/20/2023 9:28:42 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)