Cheap Replacement Cushions for Brunswick Gold Crown
9/25/2018 6:15:04 AM
Cheap Replacement Cushions for Brunswick Gold Crown
I need some cheap replacement cushions for a Brunswick Gold Crown pool table.
They sell K-55 rail cushion rubber "9' - K55 Rubber" on eBay they are about half the price as the Brunswick Superspeed Rubber Cushion.
Has anyone tried theses cheaper cushions? If so, how are they? Did they work OK?
Cheap Replacement Cushions for Brunswick Gold Crown
Cheap Replacement Cushions for Brunswick Gold Crown
- Title: Cheap Replacement Cushions for Brunswick Gold Crown
- Author: jcor1948
- Published: 9/25/2018 6:15:04 AM
- Last Updated: 9/25/2018 3:23:30 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)