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Changing Pockets on a Steepleton Pool Table

Changing Pockets on a Steepleton Pool Table

I have an old Steepleton billiard table with rubber pockets and would like to change to leather. Has anyone done this on a Steepleton pool table? Does anyone know where to get replacement pockets that will work on a Steepleton pool table?

Changing Pockets on a Steepleton Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. guestZeke on 1/14/2015 7:15:25 PM

    Would it make sense to take a few pictures and one of the current pockets and bring it to a shoe maker? I've seen those guys repair golf bags, handbags and gun holsters.

    If you could find such a talent, he might be able to replicate replacements using your rubber one as a pattern?

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Changing Pockets on a Steepleton Pool Table

  • Title: Changing Pockets on a Steepleton Pool Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 1/13/2015 2:32:06 PM