Brunswick Gold Crown III - To Paint or Not to Paint?
12/21/2022 6:48:38 AM
Brunswick Gold Crown III - To Paint or Not to Paint?
I bought this beauty for $500 in Hurricane Ian ravaged SW Florida.
It is in excellent condition except for the side-boards which have numerous gouges, scrapes and dents which are too deep to sand out. I have already painted the feet and corners gold pearl and they look great. The base will stay wood-grain.
What color should I paint the sides?
It's a Brunswick GC III pool table so I would prefer it stay wood-grain but "fixing" the numerous scrapes and gouges is not going to happen.
Oh, and YES that is new Simonis cloth on the bed and rails.
This will be the first used pool table where I don't have to redo the rails or bed cloth.
Brunswick Gold Crown III - To Paint or Not to Paint?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/23/2022 4:18:23 AM
Do you have a side-on photo? It would be helpful to see the aprons with the legs that you've already painted so we can see how that looks (with the damage visible).
I think you got a steal-of-a-deal there.
BallBuster on 12/23/2022 5:41:29 AM
The legs are still woodgrain. The only thing I painted are the castings, which are an earthy pearl-gold color.
Brunswick Gold Crown III - To Paint or Not to Paint?
- Title: Brunswick Gold Crown III - To Paint or Not to Paint?
- Author: BallBuster
- Published: 12/21/2022 6:48:38 AM
- Last Updated: 12/27/2022 6:25:30 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)