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Best Way to Seam Slate With Some Chips?

Best Way to Seam Slate With Some Chips?

I have a 3-piece slate pool table downstairs and as I was going to level/seam the slate, I noticed that the slate edges that butt together have some small chips here and there. I'd imagine this is due to it being owned and moved by several previous owners.

The last material used on the seams was Bondo.

In this scenario, would using Bondo over beeswax, or vise versa, be advised?

The pool table is in a temperature-controlled basement with no access to sunlight. I am just wondering if beeswax will fill the seams/cracks as effectively as Bondo? I would rather use beeswax if possible since this is my first time seaming and assembling a pool table, and feel like if I don't seam/level the Bondo just right the first time I can't go back (versus wax, where it seems like I get as many tries as needed... right?)

Any advice?

Best Way to Seam Slate With Some Chips?

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Best Way to Seam Slate With Some Chips?

  • Title: Best Way to Seam Slate With Some Chips?
  • Author: (Josh Hendi)
  • Published: 6/9/2020 3:54:44 PM
  • Last Updated: 6/10/2020 8:54:17 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)