Balls Stuck in Ball Return in Delta 88 Pool Table
5/23/2019 11:13:15 AM
Balls Stuck in Ball Return in Delta 88 Pool Table
So the VFW I work at has a Delta 88 pool table.
There are about 5 balls that have gotten stuck in the ball return mechanism in the pool table once they drop into the side pocket.
Is there a way to get them out, along with whatever else is causing the blockage?
Balls Stuck in Ball Return in Delta 88 Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 5/28/2019 4:34:46 PM
Is it a coin-operated pool table?
Is the pool table level?
You'll have to get access to the ball return tray. If you can't access a blockage from there or through the corner pocket you mentioned, you'll have to start removing whatever you need to in order to get to the ball return mechanism.
Balls Stuck in Ball Return in Delta 88 Pool Table
- Title: Balls Stuck in Ball Return in Delta 88 Pool Table
- Author: user1558635194
- Published: 5/23/2019 11:13:15 AM
- Last Updated: 5/28/2019 4:30:24 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)