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back spin on ball after it leaves cushion

back spin on ball after it leaves cushion

I just finished installing new Simonis 860 on my gold crown III, the same cloth as before, and now it seems the balls have back spin on them when they bounce on the cushion. I can get 4 table lengths with a very firm hit, but this is about all. The cushion makes an unusual sound when the ball leaves, kind of a slap with a very hard hit. My main concern is I have not noticed the back spin before. Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks

back spin on ball after it leaves cushion

Replies & Comments

  1. hudsonbilly on 6/5/2008 8:01:04 AM

    I'm thinking it can only be one of two things, assuming you have not changed your shot execution methods. The first thought is that your new cloth's thickness is different from the old, causing the ball's point of contact with the cushion to be different. (either higher or lower)

    The next thought, is that perhaps the cloth isnt pulled tight, causing a defective rebound. Actually, a third possibility is that the cushions were not reinstalled properly after the application of the new cloth. Did you have it professionally installed? If so, call them back to check it out.

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back spin on ball after it leaves cushion

  • Title: back spin on ball after it leaves cushion
  • Author: (James Rogers)
  • Published: 5/3/2008 10:39:06 PM