Assembling My New 1969 Pool Table
11/21/2009 7:35:12 PM
Assembling My New 1969 Pool Table
I recently just bought myself an old pool table and I am in the process of re-assembling it.
I bought the pool table for $200 from a friend at work. It is an 8' regulation size pool table with a full 1" thick slate bed. It has leather pockets that need replaced. I am not sure of the brand since it looks like it was handmade. I was looking through the instructions which actually turned out the blueprints on how to make it from scratch. The date on the prints show 1963. One of the brochures that came with it has two 5-cent stamps. LOL. The pool table came with:
- 8 cues, 6 long 2 shorter (jump cues I believe), and all need new tips.
- A beat up old bridge.
- A nice wooden rack.
- Rack hanger, that nails to the under side of the table.
- A full box of standard chalk.
- A handful of tips
- Brush
- 2 1/4" (I think is the size) Ball set.
- Cue rack to hold 6 cue sticks and balls. With score counters.
What I still need to buy
- New felt
- New pockets
- New hardware to hold the table to the stand
I'm in the stage of leveling it and this table doesn't have any adjustable feet. So I'm going to shim the one side. Next would be to find the right hardware to bolt the slate down so that I can plaster the screw holes and seams. I need something about 7" long for that.
Now for some pics:
Assembling My New 1969 Pool Table
Replies & Comments
sir silvia on 11/23/2009 3:53:48 AM
My friends and I couldn't wait to get a game of pool going and so I assembled the rest of the pool table.
Needed some missing hardware:
I found the screws I was looking for at Lowe's, 4" size 12.
Need to "test" the tables for how bad the leveling is and the sturdiness of the bumpers.
We all had a run of a few games, more like 4 hours of games.
A final thumbs up for the night before everyone turned in.
I still need to level the pool table, re-surface it, and cover the screw holes. We'll be getting through this as long as I have the time and money for it. It's my pool table, but I set it up at my friend's apartment. I'll most likely be moving in as soon as my current lease is up.
billiardsforum on 11/23/2009 4:11:23 AM
That is a sweet setup you got going there! I'd be the same way if it were my pool table. I'd never have the patience to leave it laying there half assembled for too long.
Mitch Alsup on 11/23/2009 7:41:16 AM
Here is a little piece of advice for the final leveling of the pool table at it's new location. Let it sit there for a full month (while still using it, of course) so that the building structure has fully accommodated the new load applied by the weight of the pool table.
sir silvia on 4/17/2010 11:40:54 PM
Thanks Mitch. It's only been a couple of days and the original "lean" to it has changed already. It has definitely started to settle more. We'll play on crap until I am able to get everything together right.
And now I have in fact moved into my friend's apartment where the pool table is currently set up and things are OK other than there is going to be a lot of drama at the end of their lease about who is staying and who is getting booted.
FYI, this story continues in a new thread I started to track my progress restoring my old 8' pool table.
Assembling My New 1969 Pool Table
- Title: Assembling My New 1969 Pool Table
- Author: sir silvia (Dj Johnson)
- Published: 11/21/2009 7:35:12 PM