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Are Cooper Coin-Op Pool Table Parts Interchangeable with Valley?

Are Cooper Coin-Op Pool Table Parts Interchangeable with Valley?

I just picked up this Cooper coin-operated pool table. It’s an older coin-op pool table which has been converted to free play.

I was wondering if the corner castings are interchangeable with those on Valley pool tables, they look as though they might be.

Anyone have any input?



Are Cooper Coin-Op Pool Table Parts Interchangeable with Valley?

Replies & Comments

  1. crochetbilliardsforum on 9/5/2024 6:54:34 AM

    I don't believe the Valley corner castings would be a good fit here, due to their squared off corners.

    Please note that I don't have any first-hand experience in trying a Valley pool table corner casting specifically on a Cooper pool table.

    If you do end up trying it, let us know how it went and please share photos!

    Here is all of the info I have on the Valley Coin-Op corner castings. I hope that it is helpful to you in some way.


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Are Cooper Coin-Op Pool Table Parts Interchangeable with Valley?

  • Title: Are Cooper Coin-Op Pool Table Parts Interchangeable with Valley?
  • Author:
  • Published: 8/19/2024 5:03:29 PM
  • Last Updated: 9/5/2024 6:45:17 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)