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Any advice on moving and storing a pool table

Any advice on moving and storing a pool table

I am moving a 100+ year old BBC York, and a pinball machine, to a house that isn't ready for a pool table. I believe it might be 5-10 years before the house is ready and I am ready to assemble the table.

I would really appreciate any advice anyone can offer.

The table is a two piece slate.

I know that I should transport the slate on it's edge, but how should I secure it to the moving truck's wall if there is not enough stuff to keep it upright? Additionally, what is a good way to support the slate verically for an extended period?

Any advice on moving and storing a pool table

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Any advice on moving and storing a pool table

  • Title: Any advice on moving and storing a pool table
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/25/2010 8:00:20 PM