All Tech Pool Table Schematic
3/7/2023 6:28:46 PM
All Tech Pool Table Schematic
I have an All Tech pool table but mine does not have anything below the top rails.
I know something should be there because it has the end of some staples sticking out that must have held a skirting of some kind.
I would like to make something to replace it but I don't know what it should look like?
I haven't found decent pictures.
Any help will be appreciated!
All Tech Pool Table Schematic
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/11/2023 3:07:40 PM
All-Tech had many different models, so without knowing which ATI pool table model you have, it's impossible to answer your question.
All Tech Pool Table Schematic
- Title: All Tech Pool Table Schematic
- Author: user1678231726
- Published: 3/7/2023 6:28:46 PM
- Last Updated: 3/11/2023 3:06:30 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)