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ABC Pool Table - 1- or 3-Piece Slate?

ABC Pool Table - 1- or 3-Piece Slate?

I have a beautiful solid oak, made in the USA 1979 Atlantic Billiard Company pool table (ABC).

Most of their pool tables seem to have 3-piece quarried slate.

In 1979, were pool tables made from one solid piece of slate? They would be 1" thick, not 3/4" from China.

ABC is "Atlantic Billiard Company".

I have to move and want to advertise the pool table movers correctly.


ABC Pool Table - 1- or 3-Piece Slate?

Replies & Comments

  1. Kathleen Spainbilliardsforum on 4/23/2019 3:46:19 PM

    There isn't really any way to tell.

    I see classified advertisements for Atlantic Billiard Company pool tables and some mention a one-piece slate, and some mention a 3-piece slate. One that looks about the same age as yours mentions a 1-piece 1/2" slate (but I think that thickness is wrong).

    Unfortunately, documentation and catalogs from this company are not easily available and are harder to come by, and that's normally my go-to resource for this type of question.

    Would you still have the assembly manual? That would tell you.

  2. Kathleen Spainuser1556067205 on 4/23/2019 5:53:26 PM

    Have you looked underneath the pool table for separate slate pieces? You may be able to see the seams where the three-piece slate meets.

  3. Kathleen SpainKathleen Spain on 4/26/2019 12:50:23 PM

    I found out that it has a one-piece 7/8" framed slate. My son was there for delivery and installation (now he tells me). You can see it underneath, so I find out. I

    know how the three-piece slates are sealed together (wax) and I would think a one piece would be for serious pool players.

    It will cost more to relocate, depending on distance and hills. Most of the new pool tables are from China. A stained hardwood pool table would be special order here if you want honey-colored oak.

    Please pass the word, if you know of any serious pool players in the Atlanta area who would be interested in buying the pool table. We will be moving and there is no room.

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ABC Pool Table - 1- or 3-Piece Slate?

  • Title: ABC Pool Table - 1- or 3-Piece Slate?
  • Author:
  • Published: 4/22/2019 12:58:27 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/23/2019 4:16:31 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)