9-foot Robertson Pro Pool Table Restoration
1/3/2020 3:39:16 PM
9-foot Robertson Pro Pool Table Restoration
Below are photos of the 9' Robertson Pro pool table that I restored. I did so much work to this pool table and finally got it finished and playing great.
- I stripped the aluminum castings and repainted with gold then gold pearl clear automotive paint.
- I sanded and clear-coated the rails with gold pearl clear and side-skirts and base with xirallic gold black.
- I added angle iron to the frame for extra stability.
- I changed-out the head slate because the original was crowned then leveled.
- I added new wood backing to all the slates.
- I JP Welded and sanded smooth some chips that are outside of the playing surface.
- I installed 90% wool worsted cloth to the bed and rails...
It took me forever to restore, but it's finished.
9-foot Robertson Pro Pool Table Restoration
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/3/2020 4:44:01 PM
You've done a hell of job with this pool table restoration.
Thousands of great game of pool to be played on it I'm sure!
The finished pool table looks great. Well done, and thanks for sharing.
9-foot Robertson Pro Pool Table Restoration
- Title: 9-foot Robertson Pro Pool Table Restoration
- Author: BallBuster
- Published: 1/3/2020 3:39:16 PM
- Last Updated: 1/3/2020 4:34:07 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)