1982 Brunswick Dl7 Coin Op Schematic
3/4/2024 2:48:28 AM
1982 Brunswick Dl7 Coin Op Schematic
Is this a Brunswick Gold Crown coin op or a Brunswick Professional coin op?
Also, does anyone know how to get the original parts diagram? I am trying to restore it but was gutted and converted to drop pockets.
I don’t want to copy Valley-Dynamo but will if I have no luck in figuring it out.
1982 Brunswick Dl7 Coin Op Schematic
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 3/9/2024 7:18:37 AM
It's not a Gold Crown pool table, I'm 100% sure on that.
Classic Billiards sells copies of the Brunswick Coin Op "DL" model "Installation Manual" for $15. I am not sure if that will have what you need, but they guys there should be able to tell you either way.
1982 Brunswick Dl7 Coin Op Schematic
- Title: 1982 Brunswick Dl7 Coin Op Schematic
- Author: Jpbroe
- Published: 3/4/2024 2:48:28 AM
- Last Updated: 3/9/2024 7:13:28 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)