1970s Fischer Bumper Pool Table Parts - Bumper Needed
2/3/2022 8:14:06 AM
1970s Fischer Bumper Pool Table Parts - Bumper Needed
I have an old Fischer bumper pool table and need one replacement bumper. I’d hate to switch to the plastic bumper type.
Attached is a photo of the ones I have. Does anyone have any idea where I can find one?
1970s Fischer Bumper Pool Table Parts - Bumper Needed
Replies & Comments
user1697051536 on 10/11/2023 3:12:17 PM
Here are some replacement bumper pool table bumpers I found on the net.
I have to order one also.
1970s Fischer Bumper Pool Table Parts - Bumper Needed
- Title: 1970s Fischer Bumper Pool Table Parts - Bumper Needed
- Author: Bobbyccc (Bobby Cessario)
- Published: 2/3/2022 8:14:06 AM
- Last Updated: 2/4/2022 12:29:45 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)