1963 Valley MFG Pool Table - 1-Piece Slate or 3-Piece Slate?
9/10/2020 2:30:32 PM
1963 Valley MFG Pool Table - 1-Piece Slate or 3-Piece Slate?
I have a 1963 Valley MFG pool table according to the table referenced in one of the comments in the question Schematics for a 1964 Valley Deluxe 775 Pool Table.
Does anyone know if 1960's-era Valley MFG pool tables have a 1-piece slate or a 3-piece slate?
1963 Valley MFG Pool Table - 1-Piece Slate or 3-Piece Slate?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/14/2020 12:41:06 PM
It depends on the exact model, year of manufacture, and size of the pool table, but in general:
- Most 6-foot, 7-foot, and 8-foot coin-op pool tables from the 1960s had a one-piece slate.
Though I've not owned or worked on one personally, I've seen lots of ads for 1960s Valley MFG coin-operated pool tables which refer to them as having a one-piece slate.
On 1960s Valley pool tables, these weigh approximately 350 pounds give or take, depending on your pool table's size.
user1599773431 on 9/14/2020 1:32:16 PM
Yes, it was moved today, and it was indeed a 1-piece slate which was extremely heavy!
The bumpers were removed and the slate was lifted out. The legs were removed and we were able to load it all in a pick up truck!
A couple of amazing guys!
1963 Valley MFG Pool Table - 1-Piece Slate or 3-Piece Slate?
- Title: 1963 Valley MFG Pool Table - 1-Piece Slate or 3-Piece Slate?
- Author: user1599773431
- Published: 9/10/2020 2:30:32 PM
- Last Updated: 9/14/2020 12:30:43 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)