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10 9-Foot Brunswick Gold Crowns Wanted

10 9-Foot Brunswick Gold Crowns Wanted

I need 10 9' Gold Crowns, prefer 2's or 3's. Northern Indiana location.

10 9-Foot Brunswick Gold Crowns Wanted

Replies & Comments

  1. proplayer010billiardsforum on 9/7/2010 6:07:01 AM

    So you need ten, 9-foot Brunswick Gold Crown billiard tables? Are you looking for an entire lot of 10, or are you willing to make several purchases to make up the lot? What is your price range?

    Sounds like you are planning to open a new pool hall in Indiana?

    Never mind my question above, I see your other post now about the water damage. That's horrible. What caused the damage - leaky roof?

  2. proplayer010billiardsforum on 9/7/2010 6:08:15 AM

    Also, are you willing to ship them into your area, or do they need to be located within Indiana? Let me know and I'll see what I can find.

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10 9-Foot Brunswick Gold Crowns Wanted

  • Title: 10 9-Foot Brunswick Gold Crowns Wanted
  • Author:
  • Published: 9/3/2010 5:55:11 AM