Official Specifications for Pool Table Lighting?
1/31/2013 2:37:56 PM
Official Specifications for Pool Table Lighting?
Are there any specifications for the lighting over a pool table?
For example, what type of light or light bulbs should be used over a pool table? Should the lights be "hearth-glo" lights that give off the light you want in your living room, or an "aspen white" light that is closer to daylight?
The fixtures I see for sale at the various billiard retailers are all over the place as to what type of bulbs they take and how many watts used so there is no clue there.
Official Specifications for Pool Table Lighting?
Official Specifications for Pool Table Lighting?
- Title: Official Specifications for Pool Table Lighting?
- Author: Philip Welch
- Published: 1/31/2013 2:37:56 PM
- Last Updated: 10/28/2016 10:29:41 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)