Advice Design of a Custom Pool Table Light Fixture
11/28/2011 10:46:44 AM
Advice Design of a Custom Pool Table Light Fixture
Hello all. I am a newbie here that just finished building a show stopper of a billiard/bar room.
The pool room is completely surrounded by high polished aluminum diamond plate as wainscoting. The room is hooker red and the bar is black tile with diamond plate.
I bought a 9 foot table and have LOTS of the aluminum diamond plate material left. Since the diamond plate is kind of the theme, I want to build a custom light for the table utilizing the diamond plate.
My first idea was to build a large box, 8 foot long and the width of the pool table, built from diamond plate with powder-coated black trim on the joints. This box would then house probably 6, eight-foot long fluorescent tubes. Is this type of lighting OK for a pool table and also, is the box idea a good one?
If anybody has any ideas about what the frame should look like, I am all ears.
Thanks in advance.
Advice Design of a Custom Pool Table Light Fixture
Replies & Comments
Mitch Alsup on 11/30/2011 10:34:39 AM
I designed the light for my room and I simply coppied the lines of the table (generally 20-30 degree).
Size the length of the light fixture so that the fluoescent lights have plenty of room, and leave a hole in the top where heat can rise (although I prevented light grom passiug upwards with a light baffle.)
DsmithBFL on 5/21/2013 3:02:03 AM
To the OP, I think your original idea for the table lighting is pretty OK from the description you provided. This way the corners of the table would remain sufficiently lighted.
Fastfish on 6/16/2014 5:30:00 PM
Very tough for others to give you suggestions not knowing taste, but light sounds extremely huge! I'll keep my eyes open for pics of your room.
billiardsforum on 11/19/2015 3:00:01 AM
@gizardlizard - did you ever get this finished? Would love to see some photos.
Advice Design of a Custom Pool Table Light Fixture
- Title: Advice Design of a Custom Pool Table Light Fixture
- Author: gizardlizard
- Published: 11/28/2011 10:46:44 AM