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What Type of Coin-Op Pool Table Is This?

What Type of Coin-Op Pool Table Is This?

I have, by my best guess, a early to mid 1980s coin-op pool table.

There are no marking or anything on it and I'm just wondering what kind it is?

I can take pictures and measurements later if that helps?

What Type of Coin-Op Pool Table Is This?

Replies & Comments

  1. swampdonkeyZeke on 3/4/2015 6:55:17 PM

    Without some pics, we can't help. Provide outside dimensions and inner cushion to point to point dimension, a close up the pocket detail, any evidence of the coin-op mechanism or the mechanism itself - if you have it.

    Take a decent flashlight while on your back and see if there's any pencil, chalk, crayon or marker letters/numbers on any of the underside views.

    "Usually" the better table-makers were proud of what they made and put a serious "badge" on the rail. A few had cast pocket corners with their trademark emblazoned.

    Good luck.

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What Type of Coin-Op Pool Table Is This?

  • Title: What Type of Coin-Op Pool Table Is This?
  • Author: (Matthew Gunning)
  • Published: 3/3/2015 2:52:15 PM