Victor Billiards Pool Table Model Identification and Year of Manufacture
3/30/2009 6:31:38 AM
Victor Billiards Pool Table Model Identification and Year of Manufacture
I am looking to see if you could help with some information on our Victor Billiard Table.
- The number 6236 is stamped in wood under the pool table on the frame in about four different places.
- The plate on top of the Victor Billiards pool table says:
Victor Billard Co. Inc. Phila. 46, PA.
- Size is 4-1/2' x 8-1/2'
- The top trim is white, and the frame is wooden.
- There are four metal ball counters on top.
- It has a 1'-thick 3-piece slate
This particular Victor Billiard table came out of a Steele's Pool Hall in Elkton, Maryland.
My questions are these:
- Is there any way to determine the year of manufacture of the Victor Billiards pool table? We believe it is from the 1950's, but want to be sure.
- Is there any way to determine the value of a 1950s Victor Billiards pool table? It is in good condition and we still shoot pool on it to this day.
- If we were looking to sell it, what is the best avenue to sell an antique pool table?
Any help that you can give will be appreciated.
Victor Billiards Pool Table Model Identification and Year of Manufacture
Replies & Comments
Lu Ann on 11/28/2009 5:07:17 PM
I have a Victor Billiards Philadelphia slate pool table.
There is a number 7592 stamped in the wood underneath the billiard table, similar to that of the original poster.
Can anyone tell me what that number means?
Victor Billiards Pool Table Model Identification and Year of Manufacture
- Title: Victor Billiards Pool Table Model Identification and Year of Manufacture
- Author: Karl Guldner
- Published: 3/30/2009 6:31:38 AM
- Last Updated: 3/11/2017 8:21:16 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)