Rosatto Barry Billiard Table
12/12/2008 2:45:19 PM
Rosatto Barry Billiard Table
I have a 9' billiard table with the name of Rosatto Barry Street Co.
I believe the table is about 100 years old.
I was wondering if anyone out there knows anything about this brand of billiard table?
Rosatto Barry Billiard Table
Replies & Comments
guest on 12/29/2012 6:24:20 AM
I also have a Rosatto Barry Co. pool table. The manufacture date is indicated on a sticker located at the head of the pool table (opposite of the rack).
My Rosatto Barry Co. pool table was made in 1917. My father acquired it in the 60's from a fire company social room in Kutztown, PA. I have since reconditioned the bumpers and cloth.
Does yours have a ball return chute?
This is a true family heirloom for me. The only downside is the space it takes up and the weight when moving it.
bbuss on 12/30/2012 5:00:08 PM
Since I made the post I did find out some info on Rosatto Barry Co. pool tables.
The company started in 1888, I believe, as Rosatto Barry Street Co. and later the name was changed to Rosatto Barry Co.
I believe my table was made between 1888 and 1906 because of the construction methods used.
There is no date on my name plate. My table is a 9" with drop pockets.
I don't think they had developed the rail system yet when this table was made.
Me and my son went to a pool hall just for fun and played a few games on a 9' Olhausen pool table and we both agree the old Rosatto Barry billiard table played better than the much newer table played.
Noreen Rook on 11/13/2015 5:55:42 PM
I don't know anything about the pool tables, but my grandmother worked for the Rosatto Barry family. Her paperwork from the port at Washington Avenue in June 1900 lists her address as 222 South 8th Street.
Would she have lived above the factory? That address is now a parking garage.
sdennisf on 3/10/2016 4:47:33 PM
The Rosatto Barry company was in Philadelphia and went out of business in 1929.
leniacono on 7/16/2016 11:50:26 AM
I am also doing some research on the Rosatto Barry pool table as my Knights of Columbus in West Chester, PA has one.
The first record I have is from an 1882 Philadelphia City Directory:
"Rosatto Frank, billiards, 912 S 7th".
Two years earlier on the 1880 Census he was a tavern owner and his wife Rosa and her parents Stefano and Maria Cuneo and her 3 younger sisters were living with them at 900 Chestnut St.
In an illustrated 1904 City Directory ad he was at 22 S 8th and listed as:
The Largest Manufacturer of Billiard and Pool Tables, Bowling Alleys and Shuffle Boards in the State.
Francesco Rosatto was born in October 1851 in Genoa to Giovanni and Maria (Petrilli) and migrated to Philadelphia with them in 1858.
user1486256490 on 2/4/2017 8:01:31 PM
I have a pool cue rack from the Frank Rosatto co. 222 so eighth st. Philadelphia, Pa.
user1489450389 on 3/13/2017 8:12:48 PM
Our house was built in 1913 by a "billiard champion" by the name of Mr. Hoffman.
We have a billiard room on our third floor that holds a beautiful 9' long, true billiard table (no pockets). The table has a metal plate on one end with the name "Frank Rosatto".
I also have a pool cue rack, complete with 12 cue's with the same "Frank Rosatto" name on it, only in bolder script then the one pictured above. There is even a wall hung ball rack of the same fine construction as the cue rack.
billiardsforum on 3/13/2017 8:19:26 PM
That is an amazing story. PICTURES PLEASE! Especially of the Frank Rosatto carom table and the Frank Rosatto pool cues!
user1489450389 on 3/13/2017 10:10:13 PM
I will get pictures shortly.
Do you know offhand if this pocketless carom table could be fitted with pockets to make it a more desirable and useable piece?
billiardsforum on 3/13/2017 10:20:37 PM
Unless that specific table was designed to be a convertible pocket billiard table + carom table, then the answer is a no on that one as far as I know. Back in the day there were a few models (I think from Brunswick Balke-Collender) that were convertible... which came with two full sets of rails and cushions, and you could just un-bolt one set and swap them out with the other.
If the carom table wasn't specifically designed this way, the issue you run into is that you need cut-outs in the slate bed and surrounding wood framing components for pockets, which, it likely doesn't have. That's not to say a skilled pool table restoration specialist couldn't do it, but it would be quite involved and expensive.
Looking forward to photos!
user1534350145 on 8/15/2018 9:22:25 AM
I have a Frank Rosatto Pool table and cue rack ( just like the one pictured). The table is apart and very heavy. I would like to sell, trade or donate to a worthy cause.
Onetechy on 10/29/2018 6:33:14 AM
I have a Rosatto Cue Rack and an old ball rack. The table is 9 ft and it seems to be a Brunswick Balke Collender. It has a delivery tag on the underside frame. I don't know the year but my research indicates it may be from 1890-1910. Would like to see that last posters pics of the disassembled table.
Noreen Rook on 10/29/2018 7:21:25 AM
My grandmother arrived in Philadelphia in 1900. Her brother met her at the Washington Avenue port.
The information states that he lived at 222 S. 8th St.
My mother always told me that her mother worked for either the Rosatto or the Barry families as a cook. I believe the family lived on Broad Street.
I wonder if the Rosatto/Barry Co. employees lived in the same building as the factory?
Onetechy on 10/30/2018 1:00:18 PM
Really don't have an answer for you Noreen, but keep looking.
billiardsforum on 10/30/2018 5:21:34 PM
@Onetechy - Thanks for the great photos of your Frank Rosatto Co. pieces.
I love the one of the Frank Rosatto Co. sales tag - which is in such good shape.
The provenance that this tag provides is a big part of whatever value that cue rack might have.
For: The Bartender's Social Club
Pottsville, PAuser1616190603 on 3/19/2021 2:50:05 PM
Here are a couple of pictures relative to the Rosatto-Barry company that I have discovered researching my Barry ancestors.
William Vincint Barry got started in the company in 1888.
This regarding Frank Rosatto may also be of interest:
user1486256490 on 5/5/2021 2:09:44 PM
Thanks for the information!
user1621692958 on 5/22/2021 7:15:59 AM
I recently discovered that I own a 9' Rosatto Barry "Quaker" pool table model, with the number 409 stamped into the rail.
It had a fake nameplate (BBC) that someone put on it in error of it's true nature.
I do not know the year it was manufactured.
I'm in the process of replacing the rails, pockets and felt.
It plays well now but I anticipate a much better experience when it's covered in Simonis and new rubber.
user1710967033 on 3/20/2024 4:37:16 PM
Here's our Rosatto-Barry pool table. The name plate is still on it.
We use this pool table everyday.
Rosatto Barry Billiard Table
- Title: Rosatto Barry Billiard Table
- Author: bbuss (Bob Buss)
- Published: 12/12/2008 2:45:19 PM