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Olhausen Pool Table Identification

Olhausen Pool Table Identification

I'm sure you've all seen this before but I have a Olhausen table in our home and I'd like to find out which model it is. Is there a easy way to find out on the table? Or are pics needed to figure it out? Thanks in advance for your help.

Olhausen Pool Table Identification

Replies & Comments

  1. mbovinetFenwick on 8/7/2011 4:20:08 AM

    Contact Master Z's billiard supply.


    They are the oldest sellers of Olhausen tables here in the Mid West, and if anyone would know, it would be them.

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Olhausen Pool Table Identification

  • Title: Olhausen Pool Table Identification
  • Author: (Mike Bovinet)
  • Published: 8/6/2011 8:39:49 PM