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Need help identifying this table

Need help identifying this table

I just bought a house with this pool table in the basement. I have my restored Brunswick table that I want to put in the basement, so this has to go. Any idea what brand, vintage and value? It has a slate bed, with a metal support structure. The woodwork looks to be MDF, but the overall condition is good-excellent. The only label I could find on it says it weighs 850lbs, so be careful lifting, otherwise I could not find a single indication of make or model... Thanks!

Need help identifying this table

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Need help identifying this table

  • Title: Need help identifying this table
  • Author:
  • Published: 10/11/2012 3:15:32 PM
  • Last Updated: 10/11/2012 3:17:24 PM
  • Last Updated By: commok