King Koin Pool Table Info?
1/22/2020 6:27:17 PM
King Koin Pool Table Info?
Anyone have a clue what kind of pool table this is?
It's just advertised as a "King Koin" pool table with this lone picture (below), but all I can find about King Koin is that they are a store and not a billiard table manufacturer. The asking price is only $175 and it appears to be in decent condition (of course it could be really bad in person).
I was finally able to find a picture of a similar pool table and it's a Global King Koin pool table. That's all I've found so far.
Does anyone know if these are solid pool tables or not?
King Koin Pool Table Info?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/23/2020 3:14:01 AM
I don't have any personal experience with King Koin pool tables, but I can tell you a few things:
- King Koin was a vending machine company started by Harold Probasco, owner of Harby Industries.
- Global Billiard Mfg. was is a legitimate pool table manufacturer based out of California.
- I believe (without having verified), that "King Koin" either:
- Partnered with Global Billiard Mfg. to make white-label pool tables for King Koin, or,
- Was sold (as a brand) by Harold Probasco to Global Billiard Mfg.
- King Koin billiard tables would have been manufactured for commercial use i.e. for use in businesses on vending machine routes. Commercial-grade pool tables are definitely a step-up from anything made for residential use. They are built to withstand abuse.
I think an asking price of $175 certainly warrants a drive over to take a look at it in person.
The only other related materials I could find on King Koin and Global Billiard Manufacturing:
From the November 1982 issue of "Cash Box" magazine:
A slightly more recent logo from Global Billiard Mfg Co:
King Koin Pool Table Info?
- Title: King Koin Pool Table Info?
- Author: user1579746435
- Published: 1/22/2020 6:27:17 PM
- Last Updated: 1/23/2020 2:52:51 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)