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Info on National Shuffleboard Pool Table

Info on National Shuffleboard Pool Table

We have had a National Shuffleboard and Billiard Co. pool table since 1971.

We're not sure what year it was made; is there a way to tell?

We are hoping to give it to our daughter and her husband for their home and we're looking for suggestions on moving it.

Info on National Shuffleboard Pool Table

Replies & Comments

  1. user1635161583billiardsforum on 11/8/2021 2:38:40 AM

    Without photos, it'll be hard to identify the model and year of your National Shuffleboard & Billiard Co. pool table.

    Regarding "suggestions on moving it"—I'm not quite sure what you're asking, so some clarification would be helpful.

    What specifically do you need suggestions on? Choosing a moving company, a specific aspect of disassembly, or something else?

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Info on National Shuffleboard Pool Table

  • Title: Info on National Shuffleboard Pool Table
  • Author: (Lisa Hall)
  • Published: 10/25/2021 4:33:04 AM
  • Last Updated: 11/8/2021 2:33:50 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)