Info on AMF Pool Table Model 5800
1/4/2020 3:32:10 PM
Info on AMF Pool Table Model 5800
I just acquired this AMF pool table model 5800 from the 1960 (I think).
I am looking for any information about it that someone might be able to provide, such as year of manufacture, model name, original retail price, and the value of the pool table today.
My goal is to restore the pool table and would just like to know more information on it.
Info on AMF Pool Table Model 5800
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/5/2020 4:16:51 AM
I tried to find an original brochure or advertisement for the AMF pool table model 5800 but came up short.
It is definitely from the 1960s.
Could it be the 1967 AMF Monaco pool table? Hard to tell. This was the only advertisement I found for that one:
pshoemaker84 on 1/7/2020 1:55:54 PM
I appreciate your help.
Why is it so hard to find information on the AMF brand pool tables?
I would think with the model number it wouldn’t be that difficult, but have pretty much come up empty.
billiardsforum on 1/7/2020 3:18:45 PM
I know. There just isn't a ton of material out there.
Is the Monaco the right model? The ball tray was the only thing that looks different, but I can't see the other side of yours so I don't know if yours has that or not.
pshoemaker84 on 1/7/2020 4:34:58 PM
It does, it was just off from moving it. Based off looks the Monaco seems to be spot on.
BallBuster on 1/12/2020 4:55:21 PM
What really matters is that you own one of the most beautiful pool tables ever made. There is one for sale locally but it isn't anywhere near the pristine condition that yours is in.
The "ball tray difference" is the difference between a ball-return table and a drop-pocket table.
Icicle on 12/26/2023 6:53:00 AM
Four years later and I have similar questions about these AMF pool tables. I am hoping that someone can help with photos of the area underneath the pool table where the upper joins to the base.
About 25 years so, I inherited this pool AMF pool table from the college history professor I had in 1969. It was disassembled and placed in storage nine years ago where, it appears, some pieces may have been lost.
The pool table is mostly complete, but there seems to be parts missing that attach the pool table to the base.
If I had photos or a diagram to look off of, it would be very helpful because I have the ability to fabricate anything from steel or wood to finish the installation for the enjoyment of my family.
Thanks in case anyone can help!
Here is the data/name plate from my AMF pool table. It is only a few serial numbers after the one in the original post by @pshoemaker84
kooner69 on 11/12/2024 6:21:53 PM
I have this exact same AMF model 5800 pool table, colors and all.
My grandfather bought it new, and I think I still have the operators manual.
BallBuster on 11/13/2024 9:20:58 PM
What you should do is get it out of storage and start assembling it.
Only then will you know for sure what is missing.
kooner69 on 11/13/2024 9:48:41 PM
Mine is complete and apart currently.
I am hunting for the next week, but later I can add some photos of it apart so you can see.
Info on AMF Pool Table Model 5800
- Title: Info on AMF Pool Table Model 5800
- Author: pshoemaker84
- Published: 1/4/2020 3:32:10 PM
- Last Updated: 1/5/2020 3:40:12 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)