Info on a 5x10 1920s Brunswick Snooker/Billiards Table?
4/3/2021 11:18:52 AM
Info on a 5x10 1920s Brunswick Snooker/Billiards Table?
We have our family's original Brunswick pool table from the early 1900s. It was commissioned by our great grandfather and we're looking for some information on it.
All we know is that its a combination snooker and carom billiards table. We have both sets of rails and the storage unit, the original carom balls and snooker balls, the original cues, hand crocheted pockets, ivory bridge heads, etc...
We don't know a lot about the antique pool table honestly, except that it was in our original family home and then passed down twice to finally land with us.
We're really into history and love our old Brunswick pool table, and we're hoping to learn some of the background.
Can anyone help with some information on this pool table?
Info on a 5x10 1920s Brunswick Snooker/Billiards Table?
Replies & Comments
- billiardsforum on 4/4/2021 11:12:26 AM
What a beautiful piece of history you have! Thanks for sharing it. Everything appears to have been very well taken care of.
You don't see 8-legged snooker tables very often.
I have reviewed the Brunswick archives and can't find any designs like this one. The closest thing I could find was another question asked on this site a while back:
It's larger than yours, but also has 8 tapered legs. I couldn't find any detail on this one either.
I'll continue to hunt and will let you know if anything turns up. Hopefully you'll do the same if you come across any further information.
You also have some pretty cool antique Brunswick pool cues there too. Specifically, the 3rd and 5th from the left (the two-piece cues with veneers in the forearm). Depending on condition, your lot of antique Brunswick cues could be worth well over $2000.
But honestly, having all of the accessories, cue racks, cues, pool table, etc. together as a set is a huge bonus, especially with the provenance you have.
- GabeH on 4/4/2021 12:43:15 PM
I do see 4 numbers on the rail when I remove one of the cushions, does that help identify at all?
- billiardsforum on 4/5/2021 4:49:46 AM
Unfortunately the Brunswick Balke-Collender company suffered a number of devastating fires over the years and as a result, all of their serial number records from that period were destroyed.
I'm still checking in with a few folks who might know. If anyone knows anything, I'll post it here.
- billiardsforum on 4/13/2021 4:28:22 AM
I've had a few folks looking at your antique Brunswick pool table.
All advice points to it being a custom Brunswick Balke-Collender pool table. A few things folks have pointed out:
- 8 legs on a 10-footer pool table are extremely rare.
- This design isn't found on any standard Brunswick Balke-Collender models in any of their catalogs from the 1900s to the 1930s.
- The closest thing anyone could point to were some of the design elements found in Brunswick Balke-Collender's custom pool tables from the era. In 1926, they did a brochure/catalog of their custom ordered designs. This is the closest match, but as mentioned, yours is likely custom ordered, and there may well only be the one.
Also, Billiard Restoration Service of Clay Center, KS said the following (edited slightly for clarity):
It is a custom built pool table, probably based on an Adler "Sloane" pool table model. There was another model—the Adler "Grand"—which was similar, but not nearly as ornate.
He said you have a rare piece for sure.
Here's an example of the Adler "Sloane" pool table with similar tapered legs:
...and here's an example of an Adler "Grand" pool table model (reproduction):
Info on a 5x10 1920s Brunswick Snooker/Billiards Table?
- Title: Info on a 5x10 1920s Brunswick Snooker/Billiards Table?
- Author: GabeH (Gabe H)
- Published: 4/3/2021 11:18:52 AM
- Last Updated: 4/4/2021 10:22:21 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)