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Identifying Fischer CL Bailey Pool Table and Value

Identifying Fischer CL Bailey Pool Table and Value

I would like to ID this Fischer CL Bailey pool table, and possibly get a read on it's value.





Identifying Fischer CL Bailey Pool Table and Value

Replies & Comments

  1. arhambilliardsforum on 3/8/2025 10:13:32 AM

    It is a Fischer CL Bailey "The Duke" pool table model.

    The used pool table market is flooded (and has been for years), so usually they don't command much. In most major cities you can easily find pool tables being given away for free.

    It's a decent residential-grade pool table, but there's nothing special about this brand or model, so you would price it the same as the average realized selling price of any similar residential-grade pool table sold in classifieds, in your area.


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Identifying Fischer CL Bailey Pool Table and Value

  • Title: Identifying Fischer CL Bailey Pool Table and Value
  • Author: (Arham Miller)
  • Published: 3/8/2025 5:08:53 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/8/2025 10:04:32 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)