Identifying and Pricing a Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table
1/24/2022 7:02:19 PM
Identifying and Pricing a Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table
I would much appreciate help identifying and pricing this 9-foot Brunswick-Balke-Collender pool table.
As far as we know, it most likely came originally from a hotel or bar in upstate New York.
I haven't located any models quite like it online.
The name plate says:
Brunswick Balke Collender
Monarch Cushion
Identifying and Pricing a Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/26/2022 3:14:10 PM
Yeah, I had a dig through the Brunswick Archives, and there's nothing that resembles this style.
The problem with older pool tables like this—especially ones that came out of pool halls, bars, social clubs, etc.—is that they have often been repaired, refinished, modified, etc.
Bottoms of legs on pool tables that were in bars, for example, often suffered water damage where they meet the floor. A common "DIY" repair for that was to trim it out in a manner similar to what you see on yours.
Also, DIY refinishes often include "paint jobs" that mask some identifying features.
In fact, it may not even be a Brunswick pool table. It may simply have the name plate. There are certainly thousands of antique pool tables out there with Brunswick cushion name plates that are not actually Brunswick models.
I'm not saying this one isn't a Brunswick-made pool table, but rather, I'm just saying it's a not-uncommon possibility.
mefrein on 1/26/2022 5:46:12 PM
Understood. Thanks for looking it up for me!
Identifying and Pricing a Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table
- Title: Identifying and Pricing a Brunswick Balke Collender Pool Table
- Author: mefrein (Max Efrein)
- Published: 1/24/2022 7:02:19 PM
- Last Updated: 1/26/2022 3:03:46 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)