Identify UBI Coin-Op Pool Table
12/5/2020 4:45:44 PM
Identify UBI Coin-Op Pool Table
I was wondering if anyone might have some info on my "new to me" UBI coin operated pool table.
It’s a one-piece slate and the overall pool table measures 58" by 102".
There’s untitled stamped aluminum polished corners, and on the change side there’s a UBI name plate with New Jersey
on it.
When opened it has a counter and has a number stamped on wood 412175
There’s a battery box also. I wonder if it could be to light up the side panel which stores the balls when pocketed?
The other name plate near the cue ball return slot says:
Banco Canada inc, Quebec
Any info on it will be greatly appreciated.
Identify UBI Coin-Op Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 12/29/2020 12:05:54 PM
I don't see your exact model pictured in the catalogs I have, but I do see ones which are similar.
They seem to have slightly different coin mechanisms (drop vs push chute).
The United Billiards, Inc. Bronco pool table:
The United Billiards, Inc. Series 500 pool table:
user1607215543 on 12/29/2020 2:34:09 PM
Yeah, those look a lot like mine, but the end has a different coin operating mechanism.
I am not sure what the battery box is there for. I was thinking maybe it might be a light for the window glass on the side panel to see the balls?
I have to get down there and have another look with a flashlight to see where the wires are going.
Also, I wonder what year it was made? It looks a lot like the one in the advert you shared above.
billiardsforum on 12/29/2020 5:57:59 PM
Those UBI pool table brochures above are from the 1970s.
user1702904484 on 12/18/2023 8:01:25 AM
Mine must be from the original generation of pool tables that United Billiards made.
The slate is dated September 21st, 1967. The label reads:
SEP 21 1967
Size: 7.5
This is GENUINE SLATE Supplied By
Eastern Novelty Dist.
3726 Tonnele Ave.
North Bergen, N. J.
Phone: UN 4-2424Does anyone know what year United Billiards started making coin-op bar-box pool tables?
billiardsforum on 12/24/2023 1:18:58 PM
The United Billiards was founded near the end of 1965, and I believe they were making coin-operated pool tables from the beginning.
The founder of UBI, Art Daddis, had been a prominent name in the coin-op industry since 1933, having worked for every major juke-box manufacturer, and, the pool table producers: Irving Kaye, National Billiards, and U.S. Billiards (of Amityville NY).
Identify UBI Coin-Op Pool Table
- Title: Identify UBI Coin-Op Pool Table
- Author: user1607215543 (Darrell Green)
- Published: 12/5/2020 4:45:44 PM
- Last Updated: 12/29/2020 11:56:06 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)