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Identify this Quarter Carom Table

Identify this Quarter Carom Table

I live in Venezuela and I bought this small antique carom table that was used for many years as a dining table.

I am trying to recover it at a very low cost due to the economic situation in my country. It has no logo, no identification plate, or numbers engraved anywhere.

Where I bought it, I could see some European furniture.

I want to know if this small carom table is old and if it is original.

If you can help me I will very grateful.

Gracias amigos.













Identify this Quarter Carom Table

Replies & Comments

  1. user1728716132billiardsforum on 3/1/2025 9:11:55 AM

    It appears to be a carom table (e.g. a pocketless pool table), but seems very small.

    Is there any info you can share that might help us help you?

    • What size is the playing surface?
    • Are there any names, markings, logos, numbers, symbols, etc. anywhere on or under the carom table?
    • Did the previous owner share any information with you?

    It's a cool find, and if I have a little more info (and perhaps some higher resolution photos), I'll do a little more research on it.

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Identify this Quarter Carom Table

  • Title: Identify this Quarter Carom Table
  • Author: (Luis Pereira)
  • Published: 10/12/2024 2:55:33 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/1/2025 9:41:41 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)