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Identify the Model of a Schaaf Mfg. Co. Billiard Table

Identify the Model of a Schaaf Mfg. Co. Billiard Table

I have this antique pool table with a "Schaaf Mfg. Co." name plate.

Does anyone know the model name and the year it was made, or any other information about the pool table?





This question relates to the following brands:

Identify the Model of a Schaaf Mfg. Co. Billiard Table

Replies & Comments

  1. Natalia Koughanbilliardsforum on 6/8/2021 4:55:55 AM

    There's a good chance it isn't actually a Schaaf pool table.

    The Schaaf Mfg. Co. did lot of pool table service work, and it was common practice back in the day for the service companies to swap the original manufacturer's name plate with their own.

    They also "rebuilt" and/or "refurbished" a LOT of used pool tables and re-sold them. On most of these, of course, the name plates were swapped.

    Those numbers shown in the photo don't really help identify it. They're found on almost every old pool table. They were simply serial-like numbers used to keep track of parts from the same exact pool table (when many would have been being built at the same time).

    You might discover something if you take a close look under the pool table. If you have it re-clothed, you may also find markings on the cushions, rails, slate, etc.

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Identify the Model of a Schaaf Mfg. Co. Billiard Table

  • Title: Identify the Model of a Schaaf Mfg. Co. Billiard Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 6/3/2021 12:23:48 PM
  • Last Updated: 6/8/2021 4:49:27 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)