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Identify Pool Table from Saunier-Wilhem Company

Identify Pool Table from Saunier-Wilhem Company

Hello , I have a Saunier-Wihem pool table. The name plate on it only has the Pittsburgh factory and the Greensboro, NC factory on the plate. I was told by billiards professionals that this table is one of the first tables made just by looking at the plate. He explained that it was decades later that they opened 2 more factories. I would like to get more information about this table. It is one solid table . From top to bottom it is a beast and beautiful. Can you help me with this. I would love to know the history of this pool table. It is a beautiful antique table in pristine condition.

Identify Pool Table from Saunier-Wilhem Company

Replies & Comments

  1. gourmetchef68guest on 9/17/2015 11:10:11 AM

    Interesting, recently I purchased an old building in the Pittsburgh PA area.

    I have been advised that during the mid 50's to mid 60's the balding served as a pool hall. As we were cleaning out the basement we came across various pool hall accessories. Among the items were a box of cue stick chalk produced by Saunier-Wilhem company of Pittsburgh PA.

    To my understanding the company branch is no longer in the Pittsburgh area.

    Nonetheless, I would like to purchase a classic company pool table by Saunier-Wilhem.

    If you have any leads on such or would like to sell your table, please let me know.

  2. gourmetchef68user1489183166 on 3/10/2017 4:59:27 PM

    I have 2 Saunier-Wilhelm pool tables. You can contact me at wguttu60@gmail.com for details.

  3. gourmetchef68Jnentwick1979 on 8/22/2024 7:36:02 PM

    If you haven't found one yet, I have a Saunier Wilhelm pool table for sale near Lexington, KY. It is just a little big for my space.

    Reply in the "for sale" thread if you're interested.

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Identify Pool Table from Saunier-Wilhem Company

  • Title: Identify Pool Table from Saunier-Wilhem Company
  • Author: (Alfredo Cardoch)
  • Published: 12/23/2014 6:29:54 PM