Identify My Vintage Pool Table
10/18/2021 6:26:43 PM
Identify My Vintage Pool Table
Can anyone please help to identify my vintage pool table?
I have been told that it’s valuable by an experienced Brunswick expert, who also noted that it’s not a Brunswick pool table.
Can anyone help?
Identify My Vintage Pool Table
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/6/2021 11:12:29 AM
A few questions:
- Are there any name plates, markings, logos, etc. on the pool table anywhere (including underneath)?
- Does it have a slate bed under the cloth?
Who was the "Brunswick Expert", and what specifically did they say?
I would think it very odd for someone with enough knowledge to know it is "valuable" but not know the brand or model.
I would assume you would have asked follow up questions after being told about it's value. Let us know what else they told you. It may help identify it.
Identify My Vintage Pool Table
- Title: Identify My Vintage Pool Table
- Author: user1634606802
- Published: 10/18/2021 6:26:43 PM
- Last Updated: 11/6/2021 11:03:18 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)