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Identify Model, Age, and Info for a Fischer Pool Table

Identify Model, Age, and Info for a Fischer Pool Table

I need some help to ID the model of this Fischer pool table. It is a coin-operated model.

I am the 3rd generation owner. I was given the pool table by my uncle, and it once belonged to my grandfather before him. It has sat in a garage for almost 15 years and I remember seeing it at my granddad's place when I was a child. I am 53 years old now.

I believe it is a Fischer pool table but I have no idea on the model. I also need to know how to take off the rails to re-felt it.

If anyone could identify this table that would be a huge help. I am not sure that it's worth restoring but it does have some sentimental value.

Thanks for any and all help.







Identify Model, Age, and Info for a Fischer Pool Table

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Identify Model, Age, and Info for a Fischer Pool Table

  • Title: Identify Model, Age, and Info for a Fischer Pool Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 9/30/2023 11:53:30 AM
  • Last Updated: 10/2/2023 11:33:34 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)