Identify Fischer Pool Table Model
11/4/2018 9:03:51 PM
Identify Fischer Pool Table Model
I have what looks to be an old FISCHER bar pool table.
The markings underneath say '72. The serial number is A27140.
Any information that anyone could give me on what model Fischer pool table this is would be appreciated.
Identify Fischer Pool Table Model
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/5/2018 5:26:28 PM
Photos of the legs and long side would go a long way to helping ID the Fischer pool table.
But from what I can see in your existing photos, yous is similar to (but not identical to) a Fischer Duchess pool table.
There was another similar Fischer pool table posted here a while back as well: Fischer Pool Table Model Number, Age, and Value
Identify Fischer Pool Table Model
- Title: Identify Fischer Pool Table Model
- Author: Bennymac (Ben Macomber)
- Published: 11/4/2018 9:03:51 PM
- Last Updated: 11/5/2018 5:31:54 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)