Identify Brand of Pool Table with Exposed Screws on Blinds
1/27/2019 9:29:23 PM
Identify Brand of Pool Table with Exposed Screws on Blinds
I bought this pool table from someone and paid $650. It’s an 8 foot pool table with a slate top.
Unfortunately the little sign thing that’s put on the table that says the brand name is missing so I just wanna see if anyone can identify it.
Identify Brand of Pool Table with Exposed Screws on Blinds
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/28/2019 4:20:59 AM
Unfortunately there is nothing in the photos to uniquely distinguish your pool table, except maybe those exposed screws I see holding the blinds on.
I don't recall any pool table makers off the top of my head that use screws like that (and that leave them exposed), so I can't help you.
If I come across anything else like it I will let you know.
If you figure it out before that, please update us here as well.
Identify Brand of Pool Table with Exposed Screws on Blinds
- Title: Identify Brand of Pool Table with Exposed Screws on Blinds
- Author: user1548653362
- Published: 1/27/2019 9:29:23 PM
- Last Updated: 1/28/2019 4:22:55 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)