Identify 8x4 One-Piece Slate Pool Table with no Markings
11/7/2019 6:37:57 PM
Identify 8x4 One-Piece Slate Pool Table with no Markings
I would like to identify my 8x4 one-piece-slate pool table and find out how old it is.
It has a one-piece slate as for it only has one cross member underneath.
It has leather pockets, rubber surrounding the steel corners, and hardwood surrounding the sides.
It has two fold-out legs.
Identify 8x4 One-Piece Slate Pool Table with no Markings
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/4/2020 12:20:32 PM
Doesn't look like your photos came through.
You'll need to upload clear photos of the pool table for us to be able to try to identify it.
Identify 8x4 One-Piece Slate Pool Table with no Markings
- Title: Identify 8x4 One-Piece Slate Pool Table with no Markings
- Author: user1573180676
- Published: 11/7/2019 6:37:57 PM
- Last Updated: 1/5/2020 4:35:35 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)