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Identify 8-Leg Antique Brunswick Snooker Table

Identify 8-Leg Antique Brunswick Snooker Table

I am wondering if anyone has information on our 8-leg antique Brunswick snooker table in the attached pictures.





Identify 8-Leg Antique Brunswick Snooker Table

Replies & Comments

  1. DLBbilliardsforum on 4/1/2022 3:30:58 AM

    It is an incredible-looking older Brunswick snooker table. Thanks for sharing.

    I believe you have a Brunswick "Oxford" snooker table. It was a long-standing model, and was available for 13 years, from 1898 to 1911. Yours is not exactly as pictured, but given that it was produced for 13 years, there were certainly variations and iterations of some of the subtle detail. You can see this evolution playing out through the various year's catalog images.

    1898 Brunswick "The Oxford" 6X12 Snooker Table


    1904 Brunswick Balke-Collender "Oxford" Model


    1908 Brunswick Oxford Pool Table


    Here are the details from the 1908-09 Brunswick Balke-Collender catalog:

    Brunswick Oxford Pool Table

    • Year of Manufacture: From 1898 To 1911
    • Size: 12 Foot (70" x 140" Playfield)
    • Weight: 2400 lbs
    • Color Options: Oak or Mahogany
    • Cushion Rubber: Monarch

    Manufactured under eighteen construction patents awarded from 1892 to 1905.

    An elegant table of massive and beautiful proportions on the English order of design and construction.

    Six pocket pool. Made to order only.

    The Oxford table is made 6x12 in size and furnished in oak or mahogany. It is massive and substantial in appearance. It's construction and finish is of the very best.

    The slate bed is of special thickness. The joints of the slate bed are brass doweled, presenting through the use of this device an absolutely smooth surface.

    The outfit furnished for the regular English billiard or Carom game consists of one dozen fancy butt cues, assorted weights; one cue rack to match design and finish of table; one set (3) 2 1/8" ivory billiard balls, one English style marking board for billiards, 5 foot bridge, one extra long cue, one smoothing iron with shoe, one billiard brush, book of rules, rubber cover and the miscellaneous incidentals such as extra chalk, tips, cue tip clamps, etc.

    The cushions are extra rapid and the most durable produced, having essentially the same features as our celebrated quick acting accurate angle Monarch Cushions. This style of table is in the greatest demand for private residence, social clubs, etc.

    As for the valuation - I've split that out into a separate question and answered it there.

    How Much is a 1900s 12-Foot Brunswick Oxford Snooker Table Worth?

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Identify 8-Leg Antique Brunswick Snooker Table

  • Title: Identify 8-Leg Antique Brunswick Snooker Table
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/30/2022 1:52:04 PM
  • Last Updated: 4/1/2022 2:25:04 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)