ID Old Coin-OP Pool Table with Bead Score Keepers
11/30/2024 7:21:31 PM
ID Old Coin-OP Pool Table with Bead Score Keepers
I have inherited this old pool table from my grandparents. They got it out of a bar in Steger Illinois back in the late 1960s to early 1970s.
I've looked all over the pool table and cannot find any names or numbers anywhere.
It is coin operated, has a one-piece slate, and is a 6-foot pool table. It has two beaded score-keepers built into the side of the pool table.
Any help would be appreciated.
ID Old Coin-OP Pool Table with Bead Score Keepers
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/21/2025 7:51:39 AM
I don't recognize it based off just this photo.
Please share clear photos of the top, and both short sides of the pool table.
ID Old Coin-OP Pool Table with Bead Score Keepers
- Title: ID Old Coin-OP Pool Table with Bead Score Keepers
- Author: bdahlman (B. Dahlman)
- Published: 11/30/2024 7:21:31 PM
- Last Updated: 2/21/2025 7:49:48 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)